
About Us

We want to make a far-reaching impact for good by doing something fresh and new. We create graffiti-based t-shirts to communicate Christian faith.

Our aim is to empower youth, show faith and walk in hope.

Christian urban graffiti cross

We have carried out numerous trips across Europe to help refugees, pray for cities and reach out to the homeless. Everywhere we go, we’ve been wearing these t-shirts and seeing many impacted by design.

All our garments are of premium quality and are sourced with Justice in mind.

You can find more about our Ethics here.

Scribla Graffiti Artist at Work

‘Old School’ for a New Day – Designs by Scribla (an early pioneer of European graffiti style) “Back in the day”, wearing one of his first t-shirts

Outside refugee camp in Athens

‘Dovedown!’ Recent work on canvas

The Chrome Angelz Crew at Lazarides Exhibition London

Become Part of the Story

We’d love to hear how our t-shirts are making an impact. Please email us your experiences or tag us on social media. We look forward to hearing from you.